I want to make detail item line weights heavier in a family for a project.Remember, Line Style in Revit is a combination of the line weight, line pattern and line color. I create some types in the Manage tab> additional settings> line style. In that way we can extrapolate all of the standardized line weights. In this way, how do I import a line style in Revit? See Modifying Line Styles in the Family Editor. The cut pattern line weight is controlled by the smallest line weight (1) in the line weight settings of the project. Line Weights in Revit are already built in and usually don’t require any further adaptions. Click in the Line Weight, Line Color, or Line Pattern cell for the category you want to modify and make changes as necessary. In the Line Weights dialog, click the Model Line Weights, Perspective Line Weights, or Annotation Line Weights tab. a line weight for all views and a Boolean to run. Numbers range from 1-16 and may vary depending on the scale of the view. When I create a line in another view and try to change it with. so lets look at our autocad line standards. Phase Filters provide several preset filters, i. In my experience, its almost does, but for those amongst you who need the finite control, this posting from L. Also by changing the properties for the Graphic Overrides you can control the look of graphic line weights and line patterns in cut and projection/surface as well as halftone the entire view. Tip: Line styles enclosed with characters are Revit system line styles with special purposes.

Pattern Line Weights As Frank Giorlando rightly pointed out in a comment on the previous post: Ceiling surface patterns use Line Weight 2. Referencing Data into Revit Specifying Line Weights in Linked or Imported Drawings You can specify line weights in imported files. Click the value for Line Color to choose a line color. It’s that Edit Witness Lines thing again.This is a simple table where you simply map a Revit line weight to an AutoCAD Color and the settings will be applied to linked and imported geometry. If you change the line weight assigned to Pen #1 you will change the line weight of your surface patterns (Found on Revit Manage Ribbon -> Additional Settings -> Line Weights ) Because of this behavior, we recommend reserving Pen 1 for surface patterns only, and not using it for any other geometry or line work. To change the line weight of that default Excel border, either modify the assigned Line Style (Thin Lines by default) OR assign a different Revit line style. Also note the difference in the the East Window on the South Wall (as the drawing is oriented) shows the bottom mullion now since the view depth was dropped. I have got this Properties window and I can change the Lineweight here, I need to change to 0.It shows all existing piping on the correct line weight but it does not follow the rules set where it breaks the lines when they cross the other pipes.Revit change line weight of existing Link: Other New features in Revit 2017